
I write to document my journey and the learnings along the way.

Actually, other people said it better, so I will try to keep this site DRY, just like my code.

I write to discover what I know.

Flannery O’Connor

Additionally, it is interesting to be able to look back in time and see who you were and what thoughts you used to have.

I knew who I was this morning, but I’ve changed a few times since then.

Lewis Carroll

My philosophy as an engineer

Open source is a way of code: using is only the first step. We firmly believe that open sourcing non-business critical components and contributing to existing projects leads to better software. With Open Source code must come readability, test, documentation and, in a broader sense, uncompromised quality.

Taken from Kodein.net

About learning

I could show somebody in two minutes what would take them years of screwing around on the [key]board like I did to find. You don’t know what’s right or what’s wrong. You don’t have that in your head. You’re just trying to find a solution to problems, and after fifty lifetimes, it starts to come together for you. It’s slow, but at the same time, there’s something to learning that way.

Jack Cecchini

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